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The use of computer in cartoons

The use of computers has spread to all areas of modern life. In this paper we will try to cover the use of computers in the creation of cartoons. The first thing that we need to understand is what is the animation? The animation is a graphic representation of drawings to show movement within those drawings. A series of drawings are linked together and usually photographed by a camera. The drawings have been slightly changed between individualized frames so when they are played back in rapid succession (24 frames per second) there appears to be seamless movement within the drawings. The Animation is a series of images that are places one after another to produce the illusion of movement. Just like most art forms it takes practice to become really good at animating. Computers have helped to make animation a quicker and simpler process then it once was. Now computers have been used in almost every animated film that has come out in the last ten years. Because of this animation quality has improve dramatically to the point that animated characters are serving as major characters in many of the top movies today.

The first to use computers in the cartoons was Walt Disney who took the animation to a new level. He was the first animator to add sound to his movie cartoons with the premiere of Steamboat Willie in 1928. In 1937, he produced the first full length animated feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Although anyone could do a simple animation, the really great animations came from highly gifted individuals.

Now there are many software for creating cartoons, these software create animation is a series of rapidly display of 2D or 3D images or model positions in order to form an illusion of the images being alive. As the tools become easier to use, the amount and variation of artists creating in the medium has increased exponentially because of digital imaging programs. Animation is an optical illusion of motion due to the fact of persistence of vision. This can be made and created in a number of different ways. The most important and commonly used methods of making animation is motion picture or video program, many other forms of showing animation exist. There is not just single person who can claim to be the creator of animation, as there were multiple people doing experimental projects which are considered different types of animation and all at the same time.

Now computers, through the programs already available, some very interesting effects can be achieved, are used to create all sorts of cartoon and not just create new ones, also to restore many old films with a unique quality that serves to enable children to see these movies as if they were new. Many people use this kind of software professionally because they work for the companies in the creation of cartoons but others use it just as a hobby and unimaginable creativity. Maybe within five to ten years, the forever shrinking memory chip will allow complex animation paths and behaviors to become available to the novice, and complex animated features will show up on the websites of 12 year olds.

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